About Me
Zhuobin Huang (Zobin) is currently a system researcher. His current research wants to answer the question of How to build high-performanced, roburst and resource-efficient distrbuted CPU+GPU systems. He obtained his M.Eng and B.Eng from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2024 and 2021 respectively, advised by Prof. Shizhong Xu. He served as research assistant in IPADS of Shanghai Jiaotong University from Feb.2023 ~ Apr. 2024, advised by Prof. Xingda Wei. He also worked in industries including Byte Dance, OneFlow and Shanghai AI Lab as R&D internship from 2021~2023.

Publications |
Links to Friends
- Kaiyin: My sister, she's currently doing Master at HKU, major in Human Computer Interaction (HCI).
- Christopher: Christopher is currently a Ph.D student at NUS, his research focuses on satellite computing.
- Dr. Yang Wang: Dr. Yang Wang's currently a researcher at Microsoft Research Asia, his research focuses on acclerating neural network inference through quantization, etc.
- Yuhang Shen: Yuhang is my roommate during master graduate study. He's currently a Ph.D student at Khalifa University (KU), his research focuses on optimizing physical layer of mobile communication network.
- Chu: Chu is my labmate during master graduate study. He's currently at Alibaba Cloud Network.
- Minel Huang: Minel is my teammate during undergraduate study.He's currently a Ph.D student at HKUST, his research focuses on optimizing terabit host network systems.